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Issue No. 40 of Your Weekly Staff Meeting is about work flow. H. V. Adolt said, “We are all manufacturers. Making good, making trouble, or making excuses.” This week’s book and a tip from The Delegation Bucket will help you become a more effective executive and eliminate the excuses. Delegate your reading by sending your team members to the Buckets Blog at for the last 39 book reviews. |
Your Weekly Staff Meeting Questions:
Insights from the Management Buckets Workshop Experience The first president of the United States Steel Corporation was Charles Schwab. He asked a consultant, Ivy Lee, for help on becoming a more effective executive. “Show me a way to get more things done. If it works, I’ll pay anything within reason.” Lee introduced Schwab to the To Do list and suggested that Schwab limit each day’s list to no more than six tasks. Start with the most important task and don’t go to the second priority until the first one is done. This remarkably simple—almost obvious—management tool revolutionized Schwab’s work. So he sent Lee a check for $10,000. But you need more than a To Do list. Start a DON’T DO list. Here’s a simple tool from The Delegation Bucket. For 90 days, keep a list on your desk, or your computer, of what you will STOP doing. My friend, Tony Danhelka, calls this “selective neglect."
Your Weekly Staff Meeting Questions: The Delegation Bucket |
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