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Issue No. 51 of Your Weekly Staff Meeting might be a life-saver for you. I only recommend books I’ve actually read and ones I highly recommend you read. Make no mistake: today’s book is a no-brainer for your team. Click on the title below and order it today from Amazon. And this reminder: you can read the mini-reviews of the previous 50 books at my Buckets Blog at |
In story fashion, Lencioni helps us discover why so many CEOs, senior leaders, managers and employees are miserable at work—and what to do about it. His diagnosis is simple, yet profound: immeasurement, irrelevance and anonymity. (He coins the word “immeasurement” and it’s perfect.) The story gives practical solutions and the book concludes with a this-makes-sense discussion of next steps and case studies. Gratefully, he’s also posted “miserable” resources at, including the anti-misery worksheet for managers.
Your Weekly Staff Meeting Questions:
Insights from the Management Buckets Workshop Experience The Orange County Register’s front page headline on August 25 was eye-catching: “$60,000,000.” That was the entire headline! Last week, an Orange County, California, couple announced their gift of $60 million to Gordon College, Wenham, Mass. The gift is the largest recorded single gift ever to any charity from an Orange County resident. Though life-long California residents, Dale E. and Sarah Ann Fowler blessed an evangelical Christian college near Boston, not L.A.
Your Weekly Staff Meeting Questions: The Donor Bucket |
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